WHY do people of considerable clout, from the Prime Minister downwards, discard their ties so readily?

When they are being interviewed on TV their scruffy appearance detracts from the gravitas of their position.

Is it done to identify with the younger set; or do they feel it is no longer of any real importance to dress correctly?

These people, being part of the Government, should always dress smartly – and that includes keeping their ties on.

This “leave-off-your-tie-when-being-interviewed” code was very noticeable on News Night on January 19, when a well-turned-out Jeremy Paxman was interviewing some high-up politician who, true to form, was tie-less.

The serious point he was trying to make about Syria sounded more like a comment from some bloke in the pub, not an MP.

American politicians always wear a tie when being interviewed, and don’t subscribe to this dumbing-down.

Philip Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge, York.