HAVING had five heart attacks in 30 years and two mini-strokes, I went to see the heart specialist, to obtain the results from a 24-hour monitor and ultrasound scan of my heart.

I was told that due to severe muscle damage my heart was only working at less than half its capacity. Nothing more could be done and I was discharged.

Recently I have had problems of a personal nature and I wondered which doctor to see. Having decided on Doctor A, I went to the surgery to make an appointment, only to be told the doctor was not available. I could see another doctor but said I would wait, and made an appointment for the following week.

I attended this only to be told Doctor A was not available. I could make another appointment or see the locum, which I accepted, seeing Doctor B.

I was advised to have a blood test and my blood pressure checked. My blood pressure was too high, so I was told to come back in a week.

However, Doctor B was unavailable, so I would have to see Doctor C, who said my blood test was okay and checked my blood pressure, still high. I was told to come back in two weeks and if my blood pressure was still high, they would check my medication.

However, I would have to see Doctor D as Doctor C would be holiday. I am not going to see Doctor (D) at all, as I am too dizzy.

Name and address supplied.