THE recent Press item about North Yorkshire Police hoping to recruit 100 volunteers to help in the fight against crime, which encompassed stories of other police forces having to rely on PCSO and special constables to hold back the ever increasing crime rate, should give rise for concern.

Respective governments in recent years have made cutbacks in all our essential emergency services which in financial terms has led to an increase in demand, achieved nothing, only to divert money to causes beyond our shores, when our internal security is put at risk.

With regards to volunteer service, are we about to witness a resurgence of a form of conscription when our Anglo-Saxon forefathers expected their people to keep good order and all males in the community between ages of 12 and 60 were responsible for this duty.

Failure to comply was punished by the Moot Court consisting of elders from that community and could mean banishment.

As for national service don’t hold your breath, anything is possible.

Kenneth Bowker, Vesper Walk, Huntington, York.