THE adage that you can’t go wrong with a little black dress, is one Caitlin Rushby has taken to heart.

For the next month the 24-year-old from South Bank, York, will be wearing the same black Topshop dress every day as part of a fundraising challenge.

Whereas the black dress stays the same, key accessories – which have so far included a scarf, pleather skirt, sparkly tights and Dr Martens – are helping to transform the look every day.

She is raising money for Womankind, a human rights charity which works to help women and girls transform their lives in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Caitlin, a data analyst at York St John University, said: “I do it because I like being creative with how I dress, and it’s a challenge creating different outfits out of one dress on a budget, but a fun one.

“I’m trying to make it completely different every day.”

Her one-month-one-dress idea started when she was at university in Glasgow as a female alternative to Movember, the moustache charity challenge for men.

A year after graduating she has decided to keep the fundraising effort going.

Caitlin has had a positive response and is optimistic about exceeding her £200 target. She said people ask “all the time” whether she is allowed to wash the dress and emphasised that she would be doing so.

Speaking about why she chose Womankind, Cailtlin said: “Every day I’m reminded of the chances and opportunities I’ve been given that so many women around the world don’t have.

"To paraphrase George Orwell, all women are born equal, but some women are more equal than others. Womankind actively challenge this and make the world a better place for women. That’s why I’m raising money for them.”

Caitlin is documenting each day’s look on her online blog,

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