JUST to get Russian aggression and occupation of The Crimea in perspective: Since 1970 the USA has invaded 11 independent countries and bombed, without any declaration of war, a further 15, many such as pre-war Iraq, bombed relentlessly for years, some such as Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and Afghanistan still bombed on a daily basis.

This country, as well as giving military assistance or servile approval to all of these criminal acts, has intervened in several further conflicts.

During the same period Russia has invaded Afghanistan once.

How is it possible that the ridiculously misnamed ‘Parliamentary opposition’ cannot mention the startling hypocrisy of David Cameron and his obscene entourage?

How is it possible that the BBC or any other part of the UK news media cannot mention the same or highlight the idiotic spectacle of the US president being ‘outraged’ at this almost bloodless coup?

Roger Westmoreland, The Oval, Pocklington.