GEOFF Robb’s recent letter “Rising to the job” got me thinking about the Labour council’s decision-making and passing, especially the rising bollards.

He’s partly right there, but I’d use something else more fitting.

With the Tory government cutting back on our defences, the Air Forces around Yorkshire must have a few surplus “ejector seats” lying around, which could be got for pittance.

I would suggest buying just enough to fit under every seat there was, then when another stupid outof- this-world decision was discussed, press the button then those fool Labour knownowts would be ejected up in the air, through ‘cloud nine’ and onwards to the moon.

After all, their decision making recently has been ‘loony’ (oops, shouldn’t it be lunacy).

As for the leader of the party, I’d put a much stronger one under his chair and send him onto Jupiter or some far off remote unnamed planet in another universe to let those out there suffer.

Kevin Horner, Albermarle Road, York.