IT was a long day’s night for staff at a building society branch when they turned up for work in their pyjamas.

They plied their customers with tea, coffee and homemade cake as they raised money for a respite stay facility at Martin House Children’s Hospice.

Customers at Skipton Building Society’s Parliament Street branch in York loved the unusual pyjama party and kept them busy all day serving refreshments.

Sandra Winterburn, customer adviser, said the day-long event raised £402.95.

“The staff loved it, we had a lovely day, it was very good for staff and customers. There were some very generous donations from some of our customers” she said.

“This is a charity which supports lots of people within Yorkshire, and it has its foundations in the York area, giving the charity a real local community aspect to it. “

The event part of the Radio York Good Night’s Sleep appeal.