A HOTEL and leisure complex is a step closer to reality, and is set to bring hundreds of jobs to an East Yorkshire market town.

Only one problem stands in the way of the scheme - the notoriously congested and dangerous A1079.

Pocklington-based Broadvale Developments say its ambitious plan would transform a "tired and dated" industrial estate into a modern and attractive entertainment complex.

It wants to build a modern hotel, restaurant, bar and leisure and conference facilities on an 11-acre site east of the Pocklington Airfield Industrial Estate, near Barmby Moor.

Although the idea has been praised for the jobs, businesses and visitors it would attract to the area, the entire plan has been held up because of safety fears on the A1079.

Highway chiefs were concerned that the extra traffic around the site would cause problems at the existing junction.

For that reason, the scheme was put on hold in November last year. Now the developers have come up with a plan to build a new four-arm roundabout on the north side of the A1079. The existing Hodsow Lane junction - a minor road with few road markings - would be completely rebuilt and realigned.

A new link road would also be built to connect Pocklington itself directly to the complex, without residents having to turn on to the A1079.

The site is seen as a key location to attract traffic heading to and from York and Hull. It is not yet known which companies would operate the hotel and other facilities.

Councillors at East Riding of Yorkshire Council will meet on Thursday to discuss whether to give Broadvale the go-ahead.

The Press reported last month how an online petition launched by Beverley and Holderness MP Graham Stuart was calling for the Government to formally respond to a plea for the entire length of the A1079 to be upgraded. The petition, at www.ipetitions.com/petition/a1079 has now attracted more than 300 signatures.