THE lives of cyclists and pedestrians are being put at risk by stolen cars being driven on to a York cycle track and then set on fire, a resident warned today.

Mark Warters claimed that City of York Council had consistently refused to put up a barrier to block vehicle access to the track, at Osbaldwick.

He said that during the worst week, last November, four cars were abandoned and torched on the track, which runs across open land from the back of Burnholme Community College.

To illustrate the problem, he took photos of two of the burned-out cars, along with a gate which was also flattened by a car.

Mr Warters said in a letter to council chief executive David Atkinson, in November, that he had written to the council's former asset and property manager John Reid 12 months before to ask for the track to be secured to prevent stolen vehicles being driven on to it.

He said Mr Reid replied saying that metal pole fencing and two gates were to be replaced.

His reply also stated: "I am also liaising with my colleagues in Transport Planning to investigate the possibility of installing additional barriers on the path at the boundary with the college sports field to prevent unauthorised vehicle access."

Mr Warters said that in February, he had met council officers and told them that while replacing the fencing and gates was welcome, it was pointless without an additional barrier.

But this still did not happen and in November he had come across a gang of youths smashing up a car on the track.

He told Mr Atkinson: "As landowner, the city council has a duty to prevent incidents occurring, most especially when it has encouraged the use of the site by pedestrians and cyclists.

"If a death or injury occurs on this site as a direct result of Property Service's reluctance to secure it from unauthorized vehicle access, I will endeavour to ensure it is held responsible."

A council spokeswoman said: "Mr Warters had raised a number of issues about land in the Derwenthorpe area over a number of months.

"Senior council officers have agreed to hold a meeting with Mr Warters so that he can discuss his concerns in person.

"However, this has been delayed due to staff sickness. The council has agreed to place boulders at the junction of the cycle path and footpath to prevent vehicles entering the field.

"We understand that Burnholme Community College is planning to place an additional permanent bollard to prevent access to its own playing field. We hope that this will end problems with vehicles in the area."