PATIENTS going into A&E in York will now not be turned away if their injuries are deemed "minor".

The controversial measure had been put forward by North Yorkshire and York Primary Care Trust (PCT) as a means of saving cash.

But after a meeting with hospital managers, it has now been agreed that primary care trust staff will man accident and emergency in York as well as the hospital's own doctors and nurses.

That will mean patients will be treated by primary care trust staff if their condition is not that serious.

Staffing A&E with its own employees is much cheaper for the PCT.

Hospital chief executive Jim Easton said: "I welcome very much that following discussion, the PCT have changed their proposal on A&E so that instead of a request for us to turn patients away they are going to introduce some additional staff into A&E."

A PCT spokesman said the system was already running in other areas of North Yorkshire, like Harrogate.

He said: "It makes sense for us to do this. It's an example of how the PCT has put forward these proposals but we are prepared to discuss and make changes by mutual agreement to support each other."

What staff will be put into accident and emergency, and when they will be introduced, has yet to be finalised.