A HEAVY police presence turned out to "reassure" residents and businesses after another incident in a troubled York street.

Three police vehicles descended on Walmgate after reports of young women fighting and damaging property outside local businesses.

The alleged incident occurred close to the One Stop store, in Walmgate, at 1.45pm yesterday.

Police and community support officers patrolled the area for several hours to reassure the local community in the light of recent incidents.

The Press reported how two armed robbers used a handgun to demand cash from terrified shop assistants at the One Stop shop in Walmgate.

The two women were closing up the shop at about 8pm on Boxing Day when the men came in through the back door and ordered them to hand over money.

Police are appealing for anyone in the area with CCTV covering the front or back of the shop to come forward.

The man with the gun had blond, unkempt hair and was wearing dark, round glasses. His accomplice was wearing a balaclava.

The raid took place only three doors away from the post office where elderly sub-postmaster Brian Fletcher was attacked three weeks ago.

Sergeant Jim Turney, of North Yorkshire Police, said: "It was for reassurance for local shops bearing in mind the robbery we've had and the number of incidents we've had down there."

Sgt Turney added that three police vehicles attended the incident because they were in the vicinity at the time of the call.

Passers-by told officers that two women had been fighting in the street and one of them had thrown a shop sign. No arrests were made.

Sergeant Martin Metcalfe, who co-ordinates policing in the area, said he had asked all officers to step up patrols in Walmgate following the two robberies to provide public reassurance.

A spokesman for North Yorkshire Police said: "We are investigating the incident and statements have been taken."

Anyone with information about the incidents should phone York police on 0845 60 60 247.