REGARDING the Barbican dance event and Coun Galloway's answer to my letter (Letters, December 21 and 22). He supports this type of event in a residential area and says "it would be like many similar dances that have been held at the Barbican over the years".

Can anyone remember a Barbican event requiring 30-plus security staff, who felt it necessary to search ticket holders before admittance? Many were required to remove boots and socks, and door staff were happy to state they were looking for drugs.

I do not remember a Barbican event warranting such an exercise, or an almost continual police presence. That this did is a reflection on and direct result of Coun Galloway's Barbican policy. Coun Galloway suggests the council's partners are not responsible for this event. Was the Barbican supplied rent-free? Why were tickets available from the Barbican box office? What happened to bar and catering profits?

Fortunately for residents, this enterprise flopped. SOB (Save Our Barbican) estimates fewer than ten per cent of the 2,000 tickets were sold, and at 10pm fewer than 200 people were inside. Many left early in disgust, and told a SOB interviewer the event was "dead".

This failure notwithstanding, residents and other Barbican-lovers had been promised the centre would not be used as a nightclub. This Lib Dem Council gave a 250-year, renewable lease to a company specialising in nightclub activities.

What have taxpayers got from this deal? A one-off £750,000 for a building that cost £15 million at 1989 prices.

Residents believe they are being ignored and despised. I suggest Barbican area residents and ex-users consider a self-help/defence association, as it seems to me the council does not give a fig for our rights. Anybody in favour can contact me on 01904 644640, or email Ernie Dickinson, (Chair SOB), Anne Street, York.