WE'RE all supposed to get the blues this Monday, or so I read in some newspaper or another (I'm sure it was not this esteemed journal).

It's not hard to see why we get glum en masse, it's the start of the first full working week since the holidays. But I'll be damned if I'm going to let other people dictate when I'm going to be unhappy. Here are some suggestions to brighten up Monday and chase those blues away.

Invite yourself round to a friend's house and take a bottle. They will protest, claiming their new year resolution was to stay off the alcohol, but their resolve will soon crumble. Try a full-flavoured glugger from the Mendoza region of Argentina which is on offer at Tesco for most of January, although I wouldn't be happy paying the full price. Bodegas Filus's Aguila Estate Chardonnay Chenin Blanc 2006 is smooth and soft, with peach, lemon and pineapple flavours and a little minerality.

If you're not feeling sociable, stay in and make a spicy, rich casserole and pair it with Mont Tauch Reserve de la Condamine Fitou 2005, a worthy wine at its full price, but a real bargain at half price in Sainsbury's this month. This red from vineyards around Tuchan, in the heart of the Fitou appellation of the Languedec-Roussillon region of southern France, is a blend of carignan, grenache and syrah. Smooth and full, with cherry fruit, spices, flavours of the Garrigue and a hint of oak, it is heart-warming stuff.

Incidentally, I stopped off in Tuchan, including a visit to the Mont Tauch winery, during a wine fact-finding mission to the Languedoc-Rousillon last month. If you want to read about my experiences, pick up the January/February issue of Yorkshire Living magazine, which is published soon and available free from many outlets.

Finally, wine drinkers who are socially and politically aware can appease their consciences by buying Fairtrade wine. Equality by Las Lomas is a new wine produced by the Co-Operative winery of Covica, based 320km south west of Santiago. This region of Chile and the 240 co-operative growers are guaranteed to receive a fair and stable price, plus a social premium which an elected committee ensures is used for projects that directly benefit the farmers, workers and the local community.

Las Lomas Equality Cabernet Sauvignon Carignan 2005 is an easy-going red with plums, peppers, spices, liquorice and some vanilla notes. Its white partner, Las Lomas Equality Chardonnay Viognier 2005, is very drinkable too, with refreshing tropical fruit, apricot and a little perfume.

And cheer up, it will soon be Christmas!

Bodegas Filus's Aguila Estate Chardonnay Chenin Blanc 2006, £3.49 from £6.99 at Tesco. 15/20

Mont Tauch Reserve de la Condamine Fitou 2005, £3.49 from £6.99 at Sainsbury's. 17/20

Las Lomas Equality Cabernet Sauvignon Carignan 2005, £5.79 at Morrisons. 16/20

Las Lomas Equality Chardonnay Viognier 2005, £5.79 at Morrisons. 16/20