HERE are some pictures of Tang Hall as we bet you have never seen it before.

The photographs, supplied by the Tang Hall Local History Group, are dated 1929, and show some of the workmen who helped build the estate.

One picture is captioned 'Uncle Jack and his Merry men'. Another seems to have the name 'Uncle Mick' scribbled in blue ink above the image of a burly workman in a cloth cap and heavy workboots at the left of the picture, a pipe clamped between his teeth.

But who were Uncle Jack and Uncle Mick? And which part of Tang Hall were they working on in these photographs? The Tang Hall history group would love to know.

The group would also like to hear from anyone whose family comes from the Layerthorpe area of York. Their annual display this year - at the St Aelred's Community Centre, Fifth Avenue, on October 16 - will be on 'Layerthorpe through time'.

"And we are looking for photographs and memories which will help bring the area back to life," says the group's Jane Burrows.

"We are particularly keen to locate a photograph of Mrs Laycock, the midwife for the area."

If you can help, whether by identifying Uncle Jack or Uncle Mick, providing memories of Layerthorpe, or a picture of the elusive Mrs Laycock, call Jane on 01904 345942, email, or write to Jane Burrows, Tang Hall Local History Group, 17 Oakland Avenue, Stockton Lane,York YO31 1BY