PREPARATIONS are well under way at the Dean Court Hotel, York, for the Eat Local Banquet next month.

We have been bringing you details of the savouries of the feast on offer at the Evening Press-Dean Court Eat Local Banquet all week - now is the time for the sweets.

The eight-course banquet suddenly became even better - with not one but a whole quartet of puddings on offer for guests at the exclusive meal.

The delights of all Yorkshire will be there, from the freshest of fruits, chocolate treats, Yorkshire's finest curd tart, plus the Dean Court special Rich Chocolate Mousse.

Andrew Bingham, Dean Court head chef, said: "I am really excited about the banquet, it gives me a chance to experiment with different foods, and also make things I love.

"I enjoy these kind of occasions very much, they are a different kind of challenge for me, and are a lot of hard work, but I just know it is going to be a real success, and a real yardstick for the future."

He said: "I know that the people here will be expecting a great meal, and I know we can deliver that.

"The food so far from our suppliers is great, and we at Dean Court, with our own little touches like the mousse, can more than keep our side of the deal."

Tickets for the event are proving popular, but there are still seats remaining for the exclusive event at the Best Western Hotel on May 15, so book now for your place at £35 per guest.

Tickets can be reserved by phoning the Dean Court Hotel on 01904 625082, faxing 01904 620305, or emailing

Updated: 08:42 Wednesday, May 07, 2003