Today at 7pm, The Stones Cry Out, a film about Palestinian Christians, will be shown at the Methodist Church, Common Road in Dunnington.

Admission is free. This film was shown in April at the Friargate Theatre to a large audience.

Produced in English, the film is a documentary telling how in 1948 tens of thousands of Palestinian villagers fled and/or were driven from their homes in Galilee to make way for settlers of the newly created state of Israel.

Elias Chacour, now Archbishop of Galilee, was only a boy when Israeli troops ordered his family out of their village of Kifr Biram. Today that village is an Israeli national park; the houses are crumbling and the church abandoned.

In 1967 Israel occupied the West Bank. Its Palestinian cities include Bethlehem, now hemmed in by a concrete wall and robbed of much of its agricultural land.

Media coverage often gives the impression that the conflict in Palestine is between Jews and Muslims, when in fact Palestinian Christians have also played a critical role in the history of Palestine/Israel.

They continue today with the unwavering struggle of all Palestinians to resist Israel’s occupation and stay on their land.

Like many others, I feel that the issue of Palestine and Israel is key to any possibility of peace in the Middle East.

Margaret Vernon, Dunnington, York.