BUSINESSES in Selby are set to get help preparing for the July 1 blanket ban on smoking in workplaces.

Selby District Council and North Yorkshire and York NHS Primary Care Trust are joining forces.

The two organisations will be jointly contacting firms across the district in the coming weeks with an information fact-sheet.

The fact-sheet will provide details on how the new legislation will affect employers, employees, customers and clients.

Chris Metcalfe, Selby District Council's environment boss, said: "The new smoke-free legislation will be enforced through local authorities, so here in Selby we want to engage with business leaders now, prior to the implementation of the new law in the summer.

"This will be a two-way process over the coming months, with us giving information and support as well as businesses being able to tell us about the help they need from us to be able to comply with the smoke free legislation."

The new legislation will cover all workplaces that are wholly or substantially enclosed, including offices, shops, factories, pubs, clubs and restaurants.

Mr Metcalfe said even work vehicles would be covered, but only if they are used by more that one person.

In May 2005, The Press launched the Yes To Clean Air Campaign, encouraging businesses in Selby to become smoke-free.

Rachel Johns, a director of public health at the PCT, said: "The smoke-free legislation has huge implications for many different types of businesses across the district and across the whole of North Yorkshire.

"The implementation of the law requires the NHS and local authorities to work closely together to ensure that employers, employees and the public have the information and support they need in order to make this work.

"The new legislation will dramatically improve the environment in workplaces and public areas by reducing the prevalence of second-hand smoke, which can have serious health consequences for non-smokers as well as smokers themselves.

"By working together we can ensure that this new legislation is introduced successfully to benefit the whole community."

She said both organisations were drawing up plans to contact businesses direct, as well as organising seminars over the coming months.

Further details will be issued as appropriate.

Support for people who want to give up smoking is available through the North Yorkshire Stop Smoking Service, which can be phoned on 0845 8770025.