MIRACLE baby Harrison Harrard is one year old - and for his tsunami survivor parents it's time to celebrate.

Two years ago, Louise and Greg Harrand were recovering from traumatic injuries caused by the terrifying waves which hit Thailand, but a year ago tomorrow their lives were turned upside down for another reason.

Louise, then 32, gave birth to an 8lb 9oz baby boy Harrison James Harrand at York Hospital.

The new mum, who suffered severe cuts to her face and body during the Boxing Day disaster, dotes on her first child and the couple are celebrating their boy with a party at their house in Shipton-by-Beningbrough.

Greg, 33, said: "Having Harrison has been a massive change to our lives and it's hard to imagine what life was like without him now.

Obviously his birthday will be extra special because of what we went through, because that's still at the back of my mind every day."

Louise and Greg, who run the Hedley House Hotel, in Bootham Terrace, were celebrating their honeymoon on the holiday island of Ko Phi Phi when the raging waters of the tsunami poured into their hotel.

The newlyweds were separated by the waves, and clung to piles of debris for nearly three hours, each terrified the other had been killed.

But the couple, who were reunited in the aftermath, managed to make their way to a Bangkok hospital and found a flight back to Britain.

The pair, who met on a school trip and started going out years later, immediately decided to start a family when they came home.

Louise, who also suffered broken ribs in the disaster, said the traumatic experience had brought them closer together and made them realise how important children were.

Harrison will be celebrating his first birthday at a party with his parents, grand parents and friends.

Greg said: "Louise has made two cakes, one is a trial run and the other one no one is allowed to touch until the day. We're hoping in the long run Harrison will follow in our footsteps and take on the family business."