YOUNG children at a York school are all set for their Nativity show today.

Pupils from the Minster School's pre-prep class have been rehearsing for their annual show in the Chapter House of York Minster, with the main show due to be held tonight.

Jane Donaldson, reception teacher and head of pre-prep, said the show was traditional but with some modern songs and dance performances.

She said: "The children are having a very good time. They were very excited to have the costumes on at last, after a lot of practices and we're looking forward to the big night on Wednesday.

"There are about 50 children taking part and we're hoping for 100 to 120 guests, with the Dean and Chapter visiting as well.

It's a traditional Christmas nativity with some traditional carols and songs which aren't quite so traditional, including a rather amusing animal dance - it's a line dace in the stables."

The show is performed by Year Two pupils Lucy Titchener and Henry Hine, both six, in the Mary and Joseph roles, while younger children all have roles too.

Mrs Donaldson said: "They are all excited, excitement levels are sky-high at the moment.

"The nursery class are doing their on Monday in the school, and the school carol service will be next Monday so it's quite a lot going on for the school this week. It's certainly an exciting time for everyone here."

• If your school is performing a Nativity, festive show or carol concert, please email pictures of the cast and performers to and we will try to include them in the paper.