THE north of England’s MPs seem to be a spineless lot. They watch as Scots get a third more per head of population for healthcare, Londoners get £2,600 per head to support transport as against £5 in the North East.

London gets £20 per head against £3.60 elsewhere for the arts. And so on.

Britain’s economic policy is dominated by the interests of London and its bankers; the country’s industrial base, the bedrock of many provincial areas, loses out.

Yet there seems to be no north of England lobby in any party in the House of Commons sticking up for our region.

Like many, I am undecided who to vote for next year. If one of the parties promised to give the north of England parity with Scotland, Wales and London, in priorities for policy and public spending, I would be tempted to vote for it, whatever its policies.

Andrew Pearce, St John’s Court, Formby, Liverpool.