UKIP sets the failed Lib-Lab-Con pack their agenda once again, touching councillors’ conscience regarding their despicable decision affecting the most vulnerable members of our society.

In a letter of October 28, I condemned City of York Council for ceasing to provide lunchtime meals to sheltered housing. In the Westfield by-election I heard first hand how Gale Farm Court residents had suffered.

So I am relieved that decision has been reversed (The Press, December 3). It’s only a shame arrangements could not have been made to include Christmas and New Year. Perhaps a “councillor for compassion” should be appointed.

I can genuinely say that although Ukip is relatively few in membership numbers (but growing), our hearts and minds are devoted to the people.

Ukippers do not forget their humble origins and understand we are there to serve you – not the other way round.

Paul Abbott, Secretary, York Ukip Branch.