A GROUP of Japanese academics were treated to a Yorkshire tea ceremony by pupils at a York secondary school.

Prof Jun Watanabe,Prof Hiroaki Fukazawa and Prof Norio Ikeno dropped in for tea at Joseph Rowntree School in New Earswick.

Elaine Armstrong, assistant head teacher, said the visitors came in with two professors form the University of York, Prof Ian Davies and Catherine Shawyer to look at how citizenship and drama are taught.

Mrs Armstrong said: "We had a wonderful morning. We were sharing practices and listening to talks about our different cultures. John Kennedy from Joseph Rowntree Foundation spoke to us about local communities near the school.

"After a tea break with the student council, the group got to see citizenship and drama in action as well as an amazing short film on a recent school battlefield trip.

"We were honoured to receive our guests and look forward to future partnerships."