THE Battle of Hastings has one. So does the Battle of Fulford.

Now the remaining great battle of 1066 – Stamford Bridge – is to get its own tapestry.

The Bayeux Tapestry, which immortalised the Battle of Hastings, is one of Europe’s great treasures. More recently, volunteers in Fulford created their own tapestry telling the story of the Battle of Fulford.

Hand stitched in wool on linen to designs by archaeologist Chas Jones, it took volunteers seven years to complete.

It is the Fulford Tapestry which has inspired the Battle of Stamford Bridge Society to design their own.

Chas Jones will once again provide the expert guidance. “But we’ll essentially be designing it ourselves,” said Chris Rock, chairman of the Battle of Stamford Bridge Society. “So we’re calling for volunteers – anyone who wants to try something new.”

If you’d like to be involved in drawing designs, or raising funds, or – perhaps most importantly – helping to sew a 30-foot long tapestry celebrating one of England’s great medieval battles, therefore, now’s your chance.

The aim, if possible, is to complete the tapestry in time for next year’s 950th anniversary of the Battle of Stamford Bridge, on September 25, 2016.

To get involved, call Chris Rock on 07572 684875 or email