A NAIL bar was raided by police and immigration officers and a person was arrested as part of a crackdown on alleged human trafficking in York.

Officers from Thames Valley and North Yorkshire Police executed a warrant at American Nails, in Stonegate, at 9.30am yesterday as part of a co-ordinated series of raids on 17 premises in York, London and Reading.

Ten officers entered the York city-centre shop with Home Office immigration enforcement officials following an 18-month investigation into human trafficking, which can involve the trading of humans for slavery, sexual exploitation or forced labour.

Police said one person was arrested at the Stonegate shop on suspicion of human trafficking and several Vietnamese staff were taken to rest centres by specially trained officers to help police with their investigation.

York Press:

The operation, code-named Rehoboam, also saw more than 150 officers raid three nail bars and three addresses in Reading, two nail bars and two addresses in Wokingham, one address in West Berkshire, and five addresses in London.

Det Chief Insp Rebecca Mears, investigating officer from Thames Valley Police, said: “We received some information which centred around human trafficking in the Berkshire town of Reading which led to us developing a wider investigation in York and London.

“We have arrested ten people and a number of others have come forward as victims of human trafficking.”

She said interviews would follow and that would determine how the investigation went forward.

Det Chief Insp Mears said: “Most people can go into nail bars and see what the conditions are like.

“But what is important for us is the conditions you don’t see, like being paid or the conditions they are working in, which we take for granted. We take the victims to rest centres which gives them some time to realise they are away from potential suspects and they are supported and can speak to us without fear.”

York Press:

Traders in Stonegate said they were shocked to hear about the raid just yards from their businesses.

Dave Hartley, general manager of the Evil Eye bar, said: “It’s pretty shocking and something you would never imagine could go on down here or even in York.

“You wouldn’t even consider it happening in this street but if it has it’s certainly not a good thing in the slightest.”

Another trader, who declined to be named, said: “It’s something that happens up and down the country in numerous places and the police and immigration officers are doing their jobs.

“This doesn’t unnerve me and it won’t do until it affects my business.”

If you believe you are a victim of human trafficking or suspect that you know someone who is, or have information that can assist the investigation, contact North Yorkshire Police on 101.

Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or the National Crime Agency on 0370 496 7622.