A FORMER York rugby league player who had a foot amputated after a motorbike accident is walking the city walls for charity.

Paul Atkins, 41, confounded his doctors, by walking just four months after losing a foot in a motorbike crash in Corfu last year He also broke his right arm in five places, suffered four broken ribs, and punctured a lung.

Paul, who has already raised more £4,000 for the Foundation for the Study Of Infant Deaths, is now planning to walk the four-and-a-quarter miles round the city walls on March 4.

The charity is close to the Atkins' family's heart because October last year would have marked the 18th birthday of Paul's nephew, Matthew Boyes, who died when he was four months old.

Paul, a former York Wasps winger, endured four months of treatment and surgery, but is now mobile again, after being fitted with a prosthetic leg and having his car converted so he can operate it with one foot.

"It started off as a bit of a joke, me walking the bar walls, but now it's serious and I've got to do it," said Paul, of Maythorn Road, Huntington.

"I'm looking forward to it, because it's going to be tough to do and I quite like a bit of a challenge, also I think some people think I won't finish it and I'd love to prove them wrong."

He has the support of a group of teenage girls from New Earswick All Blacks Rugby Club.

He said: "My niece plays for them, and although they will be fundraising for the club rather than the same charity as me, it's great they are supporting me.

"I'll be pacing myself and see what I can do, but anyone who wants to join me on the day is welcome to come along.

"They can either join the fundraising effort or just come along for the exercise."

Paul, who works for Yorkshire Housing, retired from rugby in the mid-1990s after playing at Dunnington before going on to play for New Earswick All Blacks and then York Wasps.

He plans to be back in work next month.

Anyone wanting to take part can meet Mr Atkins at Toff's Night Club at 10.30am on the day.

The plan is to start at Micklegate Bar at about 11am, with a lunch break at Monk Bar.