A CALL for a bus service to Monks Cross from a village outside York has been backed by hundreds of residents.

The petition calling for a weekend service between Elvington and the retail park has been signed by about 300 householders in the village.

It has been organised by resident Lauren Haynes and will be presented at a full meeting of City of York Council on Thursday.

Wheldrake ward councillor Christian Vassie, who is backing the petition and is also the council's energy efficiency champion, said: "I am impressed by the magnificent efforts of Elvington residents to raise the profile of their situation with regard to the lack of a proper bus service.

"With climate change playing an ever more significant part in political decision making it plainly makes sense for there to be a regular rural bus service to reduce dependence on cars."

Coun Vassie said the council's powers to set bus routes are limited by the bus deregulation legislation brought in by the Conservative in the 1980s.

But he said he hoped the petition would make bus chiefs listen, adding: "I am hopeful that the number of signatures on the petition will make the bus companies reconsider the viability of a regular bus service to Elvington.

"I would also expect the council to recognise the clear demand there is for a decent bus service and I hope this petition will be used to champion the cause of residents.

"We have managed to bring Wheldrake a Friday evening bus service, which has proved successful. I am happy to carry on campaigning for improvements to the Elvington service."

Clare Walmsley, one of the Elvington residents involved in campaigning for a better service, called for funding to be made available to improve rural bus services.

She said: "Surely, in this deregulated environment, money has to be made available as an incentive for any bus company to provide a rural service."