RESIDENTS were set to take to their street today to protest against a developer's plans to bulldoze through their cul-de-sac.

People living in Hornbeam Close, Clifton Moor, York, will stage the demonstration to show councillors their opposition to the scheme.

It comes after a plan by builder Keyland Gregory to build 12 houses and create an access road through the street was recommended for approval by City of York Council officers.

Members of the council's planning committee were visiting the street this morning to look at the site.

Planning officers had previously recommended the scheme be refused as the area was supposed to be designated for employment use.

But in December Keyland Gregory resubmitted its application, which also includes the provision of two industrial units.

Residents have mounted a campaign against the proposals since they were suggested last year, saying it would increase traffic, ruin their quiet street and endanger the safety of children living there.

Campaign co-ordinator Philip Keighley, who has a four-year-old daughter, said: "If the council caves in to the wishes of the builder it will be a disgrace.

The property developer is basically saying that they can't afford to build any more industrial units on their land without also building some houses that can be sold more profitably.

"But these profits come at a price - our safety."

Keyland Gregory's first planning application said that no new access road was proposed but a later application in August included the plan.

Council officers have recommended the latest plan be approved when the east area planning sub-committee meets tomorrow at the Guildhall at 2pm.

Last week, The Press reported how more than 30 letters of objection had been sent to the council in response to the application.

Mr Keighley said: "The lobbying of the council by the builder has taken place behind closed doors because the financial documentation they have used to support their arguments has been kept secret.

"Keyland Gregory got their sums wrong, so it seems we're going to be made to suffer to so they can still make money. That's unjust."

No one from Keyland Gregory was available for comment.