POLICE are warning people to be on their guard after a spate of "cowardly" sneak-in burglaries targeting elderly people in York.

There have been six distraction burglaries reported to police in Acomb in the last week, mainly in the Beckfield Lane area.

The conniving burglars have been using excuses to get into the houses of elderly people - such as pretending they have lost a ball in their garden, or asking for a drink of water - and then stealing from them.

Callous thieves used the scam to steal a brown leather handbag, containing cash, from a woman in her 80s last Tuesday, at about 6pm.

A York Police spokesman said: "A youth knocked on the front door and asked if he could retrieve his ball from the garden.

"She went round to the garden with the youth, leaving the door open. No ball was found and the youth left, but shortly afterwards, the woman realised her handbag was missing from the living room.

"It is believed an accomplice of the man stole it."

PC Graham Cooper, of the neighbourhood policing team for Acomb, said more elderly people had since been targeted.

He said: "Over the last week or so there have been around six reported distraction burglaries in Acomb.

"The offenders appear to be targeting elderly residents. The method being used is when the occupant is distracted by a caller at the door.

"This person has been using a false story to enter the person's house with the aim to steal from within. The stories used have varied from asking for a drink of water or asking to check the back garden for a lost ball, in the latter case allowing another to enter the house unchallenged.

"This is a particularly cowardly crime on extremely vulnerable victims. The victims are often left upset, humiliated and in fear."

Officers from the local neighbourhood policing team have delivered warning leaflets to many residents in the affected area to raise awareness and have notified the local Neighbourhood Watch schemes.

PC Cooper added: "I would ask that residents be extra vigilant and do not let anyone in. I would ask that people watch out for their neighbours or vulnerable residents in their street. If you are suspicious of any callers, close the door, lock it and contact the police."

He said the suspects are believed to be young males, in their early to mid teens. One is described as having dark curly or wavy hair.

"If any person has any information that can help us I would ask them to contact North Yorkshire Police on 0845 6060247 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111", he said.