I READ Dr Ward's letter about poor driving (Scant respect, April 5) and did my Victor Meldrew impersonation; I don't believe it.

The good doctor, who has not yet passed his driving test and has only six months' experience behind the wheel, has the temerity to complain about other road users. I am sorry to say this, doctor, but there is an old service expression: "get some in", which I, who have been driving for 61 years (and walking for 77) think I am entitled to use.

Mr Raynor (The public enemy, Readers' Letters, April 6) seems to think that this disputed matter of cyclists ignoring the law is too trivial to bother about.

Laws are to be respected by all members of the community and while I feel fairly safe from thieves in my house when I go out I am in danger from every cyclist who cannot be bothered to use either the road or, in many cases, the cycle lane.

I do not have much experience with children, but I do know that if you let them get away with minor transgressions they will move on to something more serious.

Today's school child cycling on the pavement and getting away with it every day is sometimes tomorrow's shoplifter.

Every weekend we hear of yet another motorcyclist killed in a tragic accident.

I am not for a moment saying that all these accidents are entirely the fault of the motorcyclist, but just remember that once they were pedal cyclists and got away with ignoring rules that were there for their own protection.

Perhaps some of them take this thinking with them when they move up to motorcycles.

Mike Usherwood, Mendip Close, Huntington, York.