YOUR article about my recycling waste put out for landfill by Lloyds TSB (Legal warning to eco-warrior, The Press, April 7) missed out the fact that in the letter I sent to them complaining about their wasteful practices, I offered them some helpful advice about how they and their employees could avoid creating so much waste.

This included using reusable ceramic cups/mugs for their hot drinks, instead of use-only-once' plastic disposables, and employees taking home cans and plastic drinks bottles for doorstep collection by the council.

I even offered to help them devise a waste reduction policy which would help them achieve these improvements.

They have not replied to me at all, which I find rude and thoughtless, after I took so much trouble to inform them of their waste problem.

Business waste recycling is important not just in its own right, but because householders are put off from trying to do their bit when they see so much recyclable material being put in bin lorries from pubs and shops.

The reason the council is not concentrating on recycling business waste is because it doesn't count towards the recycling targets set for domestic waste.

Readers may be interested to know that Selby District Council, in partnership with Yorkshire Forward (the Regional Development Agency) is expanding SORTED, its business waste recycling collection, which currently serves about 200 Selby businesses with paper and card collections.

In May, there are plans to expand this to cans and glass as well. I think that York should have something like this too, and if I should get elected to the council on May 3, I will push for this to happen.

John Cossham, Green Party Candidate, Hull Road Ward, Hull Road, York.