YORK Union of Golf Clubs swings into its summer programme proper with the Sharpe Trophy to be staged at The Oaks GC on Sunday.

The full draw is: 8.00 A Woodward M Clark (O), G Dunn J Dodgson (PH); 8.08 M Hant R Frampton (FP), M Fisher M Womersley (S); 8.16 J Black M Collins (Y), D Johnstone P Starkey (E); 8.24 A Holmes A Johnstone (H), L Copley P Peake (SH); 8.32 J McIntosh A Hird (FoG), M Hodgson J Hodgson (KM); 8.40 P Worrall P Morton (E), J Corner T Wells (FP); 8.48 H Robinson S Harrison (MN), S Lambert G Wilstrop (S); 8.56 L Machen G Richardson (H), R Woodfine J Thorne (F).

9.04 A Bell M Samms (FP), S Craggs K Norton (KM); 9.12 J Mitchell JJ Robinson (PH), P Wood J Verity (SH); 9.20 P Jones T Nutman (MN), J Butler J Ferguson (E); 9.28 G Hill M Barker (FoG),G Atkinson N Carter (PH); 9.36 S Tanner D Miller (Y), J Thompson D Heels (H); 9.44 J Newman K Gough (KM),T Dunn H George (FoG); 9.52 J Frank P Tyrrell (O), D Norris M McKenzie (SH).

10.00 J Robson I McKenzie (MN), K Pitchford J Hickey (PH); 10.08 G Kitchen D Glassby (S), B Fussey G Gaskell (KM); 10.16. C Bullen D Sanderson (E), G Lewis R Skilbeck (FP); 10.24 I Pratt A Powell (H), G Scurry R Cooper (MN); 10.32 D White F Littlechild (PH), J Curtis P Hare (F); 10.40 I Craig M Asplin (FP), J Panton J Corke (S); 10.48 P Shepherd N Pay (E), N Steriker P Walsh (KM); 10.56 G Dawson K Goodrick (H), A Plunkett H Green (SH).

11.04 P Little R Bullen (FoG), A Moody D Leng (MN); 11.12 R Seels P Baker (O), D Beal A Barrass (Y); 11.20 B Cottingham P Hodgson (E), D Elcock M Mastaglio (FP); 11.28 S Dodsworth R Wardle (KM), D Muson A Watson (PH); 11.36 N Hilton-Scott P Smith (H), R Whittaker J Crawford (SH); 11.44 J Barker K Reeve (FoG), J Metcalfe G Walker (KM); 11.52 P Crowther K Dwyer (H), J Wilson R Forsyth (FP).

12.00 V Thornton A Foster (MN), J Cammidge S Cammidge (E); 12.08 G Short M Bricklebank (PH), M Hunter T Raby (KM); 12.16 M Berridge M Clitheroe (H), B Dunning R Mason (MN); 12.24 K Sowerbutts T Spiers (SH), C White J Burgess (FP); 12.32 J Amos C Amos (S), D Pearson G Walters (PH); 12.40 E Boyd TM Willis (E), R Cass M Ainsworth (KM); 12.48 R Tooby J Alsop (FoG), P Long D Smith (H); 12.56 G Brownridge G Ratcliffe (F), N Storr K Carter (PH).

1304 J Connor S Sandford (H), J Mason T Creaser (MN); 13.12 R Harryman K Wardle (PH), T Wadkin J Fortner (FP); 13.20 M Reddington D Amos (S), S Taylor D Morrison (KM); 13.28 P Curtis E Conway (E), B Clint J Reeve (SH); 13.36 W Hook G Laing (Y), D O'Neill S Mann (O).

KEY: O The Oaks; PH Pike Hills; FP Forest Park; S Scarthingwell; Y York; E Easingwold; H Heworth; SH Sandburn Hall; FoG Forest of Galtres; KM Kirkbymoorside; MN Malton and Norton; F Fulford.