WHO would have thought that, when in the early 1960s, when plans were being made to make York a university city, that, once given the green light, this university would become the monster it is today, gobbling up green belt land around the city at an alarming rate.

What gives the university the right to desecrate 65 hectares of green belt, destroying wildlife habitat along with farmers' livelihoods into the bargain?

I hope its planned expansion is rejected out of hand. We already have a terrible example of what building expansion has done to the landscape in York by the ugly monstrous new college on Sim Balk Lane, which sticks out like a sore thumb for miles around.

How was that ever allowed to happen? It must not be repeated in Heslington. York does not belong to the university or the council.

W P Carter, Marston Crescent, Acomb, York.