York is not exactly the crime capital of the UK.

Yes, we have our fair share of car thefts, antisocial behaviour, vandalism and thuggery.

But little to compare with the daily toll of serious and violent crime to be found in a major city like Hull or Leeds.

Even so, the simple fear of crime can be almost as much of a blight on people's lives as crime itself.

That is why it is so good to be able to report that crime in York has, once more, shown a big fall - down by more than eight per cent across the board over the last 12 months.

There have been big drops in everything from violent crime to car theft, criminal damage and burglary. In all, that has meant 2,225 fewer crime victims this year than last year.

That is a lot of misery saved. And it will be enormously comforting to those - such as the elderly - who still live in fear.

York Police must take much of the credit. They have been admirably proactive - taking the fight to the criminal with a range of hard-hitting new initiatives.

These have included neighbourhood policing, a crackdown on sat nav thefts, greater use of CCTV cameras, and the new Catch And Convict Unit to target prolific offenders on their release from prison.

The introduction of late-night licensing is also widely credited with helping bring down violent crime.

The important thing now is not to let up.

Police must continue working with the people of York and local organisations such as the city council to make this an even safer place in which to live.

With new initiatives such as alleygating just beginning to bite, we have every confidence that they will be able to do so.