Despite what they'll have you believe, Enter Shikari are not the first band to mix metal with keyboards.

Anyone heard of Van Halen? In 1984, fretmaster Eddie, his brother Alex, David Lee Roth and some guy sporting an awful cardigan and a bass guitar released the monumental Jump, and nothing was ever the same again. But that was the eighties. Is it really acceptable now?

In short, no. First, to clarify: These four lads from deepest, darkest Hertfordshire do not sound remotely like VH.

Enter Shikari is a frightening combination of post-hardcore guitars and vocals, overlaid with somewhat cheesy synths.

Neither the guitar riffs (standard balls-to-the-wall thrash), the synth riffs (not cool enough to qualify as techno), nor the nonsensical growled vocals spark much interest.

Enter Shikari, exit taste and decency.