AN INNOVATIVE plan to bring a floating café to York is set to get the go-ahead this month.

Businessman Andrew Gill's application to launch the eco-friendly, Fair Trade venture on the River Ouse, behind Museum Gardens, has been ear-marked for approval.

It will go before a planning committee on April 19. His boat café would serve ten riverbank tables with chairs, beside Dame Judi Dench Walk, although there will be no public access on to the boat itself.

Gillian Cruddas, chief executive of York Tourism Bureau, is backing Mr Gill's plan.

She said in a letter to City of York Council: "I support the proposal for a floating café boat on the River Ouse. It is vitally important for York's tourism industry that the city as a whole continues to support independent businesses and new ventures such as this. It is this kind of venture that sets York apart from other cities."

She said making more use of the city's rivers was a priority in terms of York's tourism strategy.

"Our rivers are one of York's greatest attractions, and anything that enhances visitors' enjoyment of this area is to be welcomed," she said.

Mr Gill amended his plans after they were thrown out by planning officers last year.

They feared the boat would be an obstacle to those using the river, could pose a flood risk, and would take up valuable mooring space.

In his revised application, Mr Gill made the boat smaller, reducing its size from 10m x 5m, to 10m x 2.5m.

He indicated in the new application that there would be no public access on to the boat or the lower bank.

Mr Gill also cut the café's proposed opening hours - from 7am to 9pm, down to 8am to 6pm, between April and September.

In a statement with his original application, Mr Gill wrote: "The café will sell Fair Trade products, locally sourced wherever possible.

"Deliveries will be made outside the city, using the local green courier network. The boat design incorporates solar electric and hot water panels to produce clean, renewable energy.

"Waste will, wherever possible, be recycled and disposed of at the local environmental facilities."