Q: Just recently I've been having trouble going to the toilet; in fact I think I may be constipated. What do you recommend?

A: Helen Spath and her team at Tullivers Health Store says:
There are a number of reasons why we become constipated; poor diet, insufficient fluids and lack of exercise are all contributing factors, as are certain medicines and stress.

The following measures should help to get things moving again A wholefood, high-fibre diet containing brown bread, brown rice, cereals, fresh fruit and vegetables is at the top of the list, but do wash this down with plenty of water.

Without sufficient fluids, waste matter dries making it harder to move through the bowel. Try to drink between 1.5 to 2 litres water a day.

Exercise! If you don't get enough exercise your whole body tends to slow down, including the muscles in the contraction which propels waste through the digestive tract. Twenty minutes a day should make a real difference.

As far as herbal remedies are concerned the A. Vogel Frangula Complex can be very effective.

Also known as Alder Buckthorn Bark, Frangula is similar to the laxative plant Senna, but milder. Active constituents in the bark of the shrub have a gentle laxative effect and toning action on the digestive tract.

Start with the minimum dose and increase slowly, but avoid excessive doses.

Linseed can also help. It swells in the presence of water, increasing its volume considerably. This bulking action can be extremely beneficial to a sluggish bowel, but it does rely on water which is why Linseed should be taken with plenty of fluid.

Remember it is not advisable to use laxatives on a long- term basis. If constipation persists, you must consult your GP. For further advice ask at your local health shop.