I WRITE to extend a big thank-you to you and the readers of The Press for supporting the British Heart Foundation's (BHF) recent York City Jog.

Just over a week ago, this annual York event took place at its new venue - Knavesmire - with a record number of local people turning out on a chilly spring evening to support the work of the BHF in the region.

With more than 650 people taking part, the event was well supported by local people and businesses, and was a great success, with almost double the number of participants from the previous year.

This was largely thanks to the support of The Press and its readers - providing fantastic media coverage and telling the people of York about the event.

Just as importantly, the event should now exceed our fundraising target, and raise more than £20,000 to support the lifesaving work of the BHF in funding research, treatment and patient care in the region.

We have received some fantastic feedback from participants and volunteers, who have contacted us to say how much they enjoyed the event and sponsorship money is already coming in.

The event will be taking place again in April 2008, when we hope to make it bigger and better than ever. For information about next year's event, and other local BHF events, phone 0800 9176976, or visit www.bhf.org.uk/events Thank you again to The Press and its readers for making this a great event, it is greatly appreciated.

Helen Whiteley, Regional events organiser, British Heart Foundation.