THERE were good news elements hidden behind your headline "Cross Words" (The Press, Selby edition, April 7), about an historic Easter service in Selby.

More people than ever took part in Selby's Good Friday walk. As an innovation, some church members distributed hot cross buns to shoppers along the way, explaining briefly what we were about.

In an age of misunderstanding and ignorance about the crucifixion, I think that important.

The service within the abbey was without intrusive traffic noise, a source of complaint in previous years.

However, I understand the concern about not being outside.

It is good that we carefully and prayerfully debate how best we communicate the good news of Christ. For next year, we ought to do that again. The words "we always do it this way" should have no place in church vocabulary.

Finally - to clear up a misunderstanding - the purpose of the walk and possible changes to its format were raised and debated at the last three meetings of all town church representatives in April and October 2006, and January this year.

The final format was decided in January, and all churches received copies of minutes shortly afterwards. It seems that we should also look to our own church internal communications.

Nigel Currey, Mayfield Drive, Brayton, Selby.