There were dramatic scenes yesterday as police arrested two people during a drugs raid at a York flat.

Officers with sniffer dogs targeted the flat at Westmoreland House in Cambridge Street, off Holgate Road.

The two people arrested were suspected of being in possession of Class A drugs.

PC Kathryn Wright, of the Micklegate neighbourhood policing team, who co-ordinated the raid, said: "We have made two arrests in relation to illegal substances. We are still searching the premises and work will continue in relation to the address.

"We had numerous reports of anti-social behaviour linked to this address.

"It has been detrimental to neighbours and residents on the estate and as such we've taken action against it.

"We want to let people know it is not going to be tolerated on this estate. We want to reassure members of the community that we are here and we are doing something about drug problems in the area."

The warrant under the Misuse Of Drugs Act was carried out by ten officers from the neighbourhood support team, formerly known as the strike team, the neighbourhood policing team and the dog unit.

Officers then put letters through the doors of 200 local residents explaining what had happened.

The letter says: "A search warrant under the drugs act was executed by North Yorkshire Police at an address on this estate. The warrant was obtained and carried out for the purpose of the search and seizure of illegal drugs.

"The sale and consumption of illegal drugs is detrimental to our community, as it subsequently leads to an increase in crime and attracts undesirables onto the area who may commit crime to fund their habit.

"Please assist your local neighbourhood policing team by informing us of any concerns that you have, with regards to drug dealing in our area.

"Our aim is to eradicate the sale of illegal substances in our community and remove drug dealers from our area but we need your help to identify these people. Together we can make our area a safer place to live."

PC Wright added: "It's a lovely estate here and there's quite a community spirit between residents and we want to keep it that way.

"From a community point of view we want to let people know we are not just based at Fulford Road and encourage people to come to us with information. "

PC Dave White added: "It's not a case of one hit and moving on. We are here and we are going to be looking at people.

"The local neighbourhood policing team is getting bigger and stronger with eight new PCSOs by May."