SO four more of our brave army personnel, two of them women, die in Iraq.

The Parliament in the Green Zone is bombed, but the Americans continue to build a huge new embassy in the zone.

The message must be clear to the insurgents: We are going to continue to occupy your country, no matter what. After all the false reasons given for occupation (weapons of mass destruction, the launch capability against Cyprus in 40 minutes, the link between al-Q'aida and Iraq, the assertion by Jack Straw that the regime in Iraq could stay if they co-operated with the inspectors - they did and were bombed anyway), the only true reason is the one never mentioned by the war criminals at Westminster: that is, oil.

The profits from Iraqi oil production, whose reserves are comparable to Saudi, have been seized as a trophy of war by the Western oil companies. If the Iraqi Parliament is ever to be seen as a real government, and not an American puppet, then it must control its own oil revenues.

Security in the country must involve Iran and other Arab countries, which have so far been lectured to and ignored by the occupying forces.

There are places in the world where our armed forces would be welcome, but in Iraq the UK and the US are the problem, and not the solution.

Chris Clayton, Hempland Drive, York.