FOLLOWING your article (Travel sickness, April 12) I felt I must write to you in defence of both Cairngorm Travel and The Duke of Gordon Hotel, Kingussie, Scotland.

My wife and I travelled on the Snowflake Break to Kingussie on January 6 this year, in spite of having received a letter warning us about Norwalk virus.

We enjoyed ourselves so much that we returned on another trip with my sister and her husband on March 3.

Some members of both parties became unwell, but no blame can be apportioned to either the hotel or their staff.

The precautions that they instigated and the care and concern towards their customers were exemplary. I do realise that both your articles attached no blame to either Cairngorm Travel or the hotel, but I just wanted to show my support for them.

I shall certainly go with them again, as will my sister, who incidentally travelled up from Newmarket the previous evening to enable us all to travel together.

Ian Smith, Eastfield Crescent, Badger Hill, York.