MORE and more contenders are entering the frame ahead of the York Community Pride Awards 2007.

Roisheen Childs has been put forward for the Person Of The Year award.

Roisheen, 50, is a co-ordinator at Older Citizens Advocacy York (OCAY), which provides a much-cherished support service for older people.

Roisheen has been nominated by Iris Robinson for "tirelessly helping her change her pension book for an account card".

Iris, 74, of March Street, York, said: "I had such a lot of trouble when we had to change our pension books for the swish card.

"I went for so many weeks not being able to get my pension, and I was told about OCAY.

"Roisheen did such a lot of ringing up for me, and never gave up until everything was up and running.

"I have often called in, and she's always been there for me. Keep up the good work, Roisheen - you deserve to win!"

Roisheen said: "It's a privilege and an honour to have been nominated - especially as Iris took the time and effort to write the nomination letter.

"It was a satisfying result for me when we managed to change Iris' pension book for the card, but it's just part and parcel of the job."

Iris also put forward OCAY for the Service With A Smile award.

This is the charity's second nomination so far.

Meanwhile, The Press has received a second nomination for Health Service Hero nominee Debbie Johnson, of Poppleton, York.

Elaine Carrick, of Ingleton Walk, York, who gave the MacMillan nurse her second nomination, said: "Before my late husband, Oliver, died from lung cancer in 2002, Debbie supported us with her dedication, compassion, love and support.

"She is without a doubt a remarkable human being. Her support goes beyond her call of duty. She's a star!"

There's still plenty of time to nominate a person, or group in York you feel is an unsung hero in the community.

To nominate them for an award, please fill in the coupon on the right.

Send us a picture of your nominee if you can, but these are non-returnable.

Send in your coupon with a supporting statement (no more than two sides of A4 paper).

You can download a nomination form on this website following the link below.

If you are a local business and you would like to support the awards, there are still a couple of categories available for you to sponsor.

For details, phone Nigel Briggs on 01904 567168, or email him at