MY son attends St Paul's Primary School, so I was annoyed to learn that the poorly planned Holgate Bridge roadworks have started up again (Here we go again, April 14).

Given how busy this area gets, I am at a loss to understand why the council could not have considered night-time working.

The roadworks during the day cause considerable rush hour disruption along the A59, and surrounding area, including Tadcaster Road and Blossom Street. Furthermore, the area is a well-used route for local schoolchildren who need to cross the road on their way to and from St Paul's, the Mount, All Saints' and Millthorpe Schools.

This morning it was total chaos at the crossing as the pelican crossing did not appear to be working properly and hordes of children were waiting for a green man which did not appear.

Several children stepped out into the road and it was sheer luck that there wasn't another accident on this spot.

Why are the Lib Dem Council planning the roadworks around tourists, rather than residents and schoolchildren? Residents' needs should come first.

This situation is an utter farce and children's lives are being placed at risk.

Denise Bowgett, Labour candidate for Holgate Ward, Lady Hamilton Gardens, Holgate, York.