AS chairman of York and District Against Motor Neurone Disease (YAMND) I write in support of Charles Rushton's letter (I'm so dismayed by ward closure, April 4) about the proposed closure of neurology Ward 38 at York Hospital.

I understand that on many occasions MND patients have been admitted to general wards when Ward 38 was full, though not necessarily with neurology cases.

This has caused considerable distress to patients and families because, apart from the dedicated staff in Ward 38, very few people understand MND and the effects suffered by patients.

YAMND is but one of the charities in York which provides support for people suffering from complex and distressing neurological conditions.

When any of them need hospital care, it should be provided by specialist staff in a unit equipped to best deal with their needs. This exactly describes Ward 38. Sadly, none of these charities have been consulted on the proposed bed closures or the likely effect on patient care.

The specially-trained staff have treated our patients with exceptional care and kindness and it would be a pity to lose such a facility, which must be the envy of other hospitals in the country. Surely it is not too late for the hospital authorities to reconsider the proposed closure.

Leslie King (Chairman), York & district Against Motor Neurone Disease, Moor Lane, Murton, York.