WE have had a fulsome apology for Des Browne's error of judgement over the decision to let captured naval personnel sell their stories, and I feel we should let it go at that.

However, more seriously, we should address the growing politicisation of the senior command in the armed forces, especially the Royal Navy.

This is not the first time the Second Sea Lord, Admiral Johns, has made errors of judgement in his interpretation of the naval and military ethos. He brushes criticism aside, anyone who does not agree is out of touch or old-fashioned. Even many years ago, whilst not even serving in a teeth arm (fighting unit), I was subject to a rigorous training programme on how to deal with capture.

Admittedly, I thought the officer in charge was a raving psychotic.

Most ordinary folk have their breaking point, but name, rank and number will suffice in most cases. Taking teddy away or missing the children's birthday party is not an excuse to fold up like a deckchair. I suspect military training now confines itself to physical fitness and technical training, not moral toughness.

We certainly do not need six weeks to come to the conclusion the whole episode is an embarrassing shambles. Some naval heads must roll now to main the credibility of the senior service.

Godfrey Bloom, Main Street, Wressle, Selby.