HIT and run victim Darryl Holland was 16 years old and doing everything right as he rode home on his moped alongside friends.

Serial drink driver Scott Jackson, 33, first tailgated him, then tried to overtake him where overtaking was forbidden, and finally fled the crash scene despite eye-witness Andrew Kay yelling at him to stop.

Jackson was at least twice the drink-drive limit and over the speed limit as he drove along 30mph Water End from Clifton Bridge towards Clifton Green, York Crown Court heard.

Today he is starting five years in jail and a ten-year driving ban. He must take an extended driving test before he is ever allowed to drive alone again.

"You plainly, in the light of your previous convictions, are a long-term risk to others on the road," the Recorder of York, Judge Paul Hoffman, told Jackson.

"You have robbed this poor young man, just 16, of his life. He was doing everything right - you did everything wrong."

Darryl's parents were too upset to talk to the media after the court case, though his mother, Yvonne, said of the sentence; "It was more than we expected, but less than we hoped for."

Chef and part-time disc jockey Jackson, now of Lancar Close, Wigginton, pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving while drink-driving. After the crash, he stopped a short distance up the road, got out and asked if Darryl was all right, then as Mr Kay shouted at him to stop, drove off, said David Brooke, prosecuting.

"The Crown says it was apparent he was making a hasty retreat away from the scene," said Mr Brooke. The barrister also said witnesses described his driving prior to the crash as "aggressive" and "leaving no room for error".

Mr Kay got part of his registration number, enabling police to track him by 6.50am the next morning to the Parsonage Hotel where he was a chef. He still had alcohol in his blood and scientists calculated he could have been nearly two-and-a-half times the limit the previous evening.

He had been banned for three years for drink-driving in 1996. The next year he was caught breaking the ban and drink-driving again. He was jailed for four months and banned for five years.

For Jackson, Diane Nixon said he fully accepted responsibility for Darryl's death.

"The memory of that evening is etched firmly in the defendant's mind," she said.

Jackson accepted being twice the drink-drive limit and over the speed limit, but not excessively so.

He had not intended to intimidate Darryl and the crash had not been a road rage incident. He was remorseful and worked hard at his two jobs.

Teenage victim was riding responsibly

With Darryl's friends and family and Jackson's relatives watching from the public gallery, David Brooke, prosecuting, described how the 16-year-old from Haxby had spent the evening of September 3 watching football at a friend's house in Leeman Road before three of them set off home along Water End on their mopeds.

All three wore helmets and Darryl had not had alcohol or drugs. His moped had a speed restrictor limiting it to 30 mph.

Jackson, who was over the 30 mph speed limit, caught up with the trio at about 9.30pm and tailgated the rearmost, Darryl, between Clifton Bridge and Clifton Green. As the road narrowed towards a pedestrian crossing and within the prohibited overtaking area while cars were coming the other way, he started overtaking. Darryl was forced further into the nearside and told police their two vehicles collided.

Darryl was thrown against the crossing's guard rail and fatally injured. He died two days later in Leeds General Infirmary.