IAIN Simpson-Laing (Labour) has got excited that the European Union is going to attempt to control iniquitous mobile phone charges (Done roaming, Letters, April 14).

Well, Mussolini did "make the trains run on time", so even the worst of politicians sometimes get something right.

Is Mr Simpson-Laing really going to use these paltry few pounds saved to justify the expense which has cost my family more than £100,000 since we joined a Common Market?

He uses this to hide incessant corruption?

This conceals the absurd increases in bureaucracy, does it?

He thinks this compensates for loss of self-determination as a nation?

The regulations which have savaged so many businesses do not matter, eh?

Shall we forget destruction of our fishing, agriculture, industry and ability to be self-sufficient?

Please tell me his letter was intended as a joke.

Les Arnott, Athelstan Road, Sheffield.