THE search for New Labour's new leader gathers momentum. Like a parody of reality television shows such as Any Dream Will Do, their rising star will be revealed.

The New Labour kingmakers, rather than the electorate, will decide who will be the serving Prime Minister Tony Blair's heir apparent. So yes, Gordon, you could still be the UK's unelected leader.

New Labour asks: "How do we solve a problem like Prime Minister?" After ten years in power, they are struggling in the polls which seem to loathe Gordon Brown more than Tony Blair.

New Labour could be skating on thin ice and truly have a dilemma in choosing the country's top political pop idol.

Let's pity the New Labour MPs. Whipped like galley slaves on how to vote, they could have been shouting: "I'm a nonentity get me out of here" for much of the Blair premiership.

As Tony Blair stands down as leader of Big Brother New Labour, will they choose the weakest link? Will their decision doom New Labour to become castaway and shipwrecked because they do not have the X Factor?

Is Tony Blair bovvered? Not likely, as he strolls off into the sunset with his retirement pot of more than £3 million bulging in his back pocket.

Unlike many pensioners who struggle to survive and can only dream, in Tony Blair's case any dream will most certainly do, because he can afford it.

T. Scaife, Manor Drive, York.