EXOTIC creepy crawlies visited a nursing home near York - and went down a storm with residents.

Pensioners at St John's Nursing Home, in Kirk Hammerton, got to handle Joanne Speight's collection of creatures, and listened to her talking about how they lived.

Joanne, of Burn, near Selby, who usually takes her snakes, frogs and other animals to schools for educational visits, was delighted at the level of interest shown by people at the home.

She took a corn snake, some rosy boa snakes, tree frogs, a tarantula, some sugar gliders, and a leopard gecko to St John's.

Joanne said: "I wasn't too sure what to expect when I went to St John's, but most of the residents held the animals, and seemed very interested in listening about them. It was a great success."

Schools, clubs or organisations wanting Joanne and her company, Animals In-tuition, to visit should phone her 07817 637366.