I am calling on the council, Network Rail and their contractors for measures to be taken at Holgate Bridge to make both crossing the road and use of the "footbridge" safer.

It is appreciated that this is the first time since the bridge was built that such major works have taken place, but safety must come as a priority.

I have had many calls about, and experienced myself both as a pedestrian and cyclist, the lights associated with the works on Holgate Bridge.

On a number of mornings last week the pedestrian lights were not working, and so people had to weave between the traffic to cross.

It is no wonder that parents of children at St Paul's School have concerns, as have those attending All Saints' and Millthorpe.

I have also experienced traffic still coming over the bridge when the inward bound traffic has the green light.

I have been told that traffic during the evening peak is tailing back to Nunnery Lane due to only a few vehicles getting though the lights at a time.

With regard to the temporary footway, while I appreciate that this is to keep people away from traffic and that it is light, it really does not feel safe.

As one resident pointed out to me, it could be a mugger's paradise on an evening. Even during the day it is not overly brilliant.

On the gradient of the slope, this would never be allowed as a permanent structure, due to difficulties it would cause those with mobility problems, wheelchairs or pushchairs.

As it seems that there are still weeks of work ahead, I hope that the experience for all can be sorted sooner rather than later.

Coun Tracey Simpson-Laing, Labour spokesperson for city strategy, City of York Council, Salisbury Road, York.

* I was in a car travelling along Holgate Road.

It took me 40 minutes to travel from the junction with Blossom Street to the beginning of Holgate Bridge. Traffic was at a standstill.

This is unacceptable for local motorists and people travelling to and from work.

When are the Lib Dems going to take charge of York's traffic problems? When there is an accident?

James Alexander Labour candidate for Holgate, Aldwark House, Aldwark, York.

* Denise Bowgett (Why not at night? Letters, April 18) should perhaps be more sure of her facts before she puts pen to paper.

These are not roadworks but bridge repair works, and they are the responsibility of Network Rail.

As highway authority, the city council has a duty to work with Network Rail to try and minimise traffic congestion, but the final work programme is their decision.

As previously reported in The Press, the extension of the work is due to the fact that Network Rail inherited incomplete records of Holgate Bridge, and it was not until the work had been started that they realised that there was a lot more to do than expected.

Without these unexpected problems, the work would have been finished before Easter.

In this instance, Network Rail also needs to ensure that the works do not cause disruption to rail services, particularly over their busy Easter period.

Regular night-time working would have extended even more the time needed to do the work, and Ms Bowgett has clearly given no thought to the unacceptable disruption night working would have caused local residents, who surely have a right to a peaceful night's sleep.

I can assure residents that the situation is monitored on a daily basis and, as the work has progressed, changes have been made to the traffic arrangements to address safety issues.

How unfortunate it is that Ms Bowgett uses the issue of children's safety in an effort to try and score cheap political points.

Coun Ann Reid, Executive member for city strategy, City of York Council, Grassholme, York.